Meat and Potatoes2020-02-18T04:25:09+00:00


Halve two chickens down the middle of the back and the breast sections. Clean your grill and fire it up, lightly basting the grids with some oil. Start the chicken bone side down, watching carefully and keeping the heat low. Baste the skin/meat side with the butter basting sauce every ten minutes or so and turn the birds over a couple of times during cooking. Total cooking time: 60 minutes [...]


Our premiere edition of The American Food Movement blog features a vintage recipe for what else?  Dessert first, of course! None other than beloved brownies!! And the invention of this iconic recipe remains clouded in mystery to this day…a truly American recipe, thought up, developed and evolved right here in the USA!  What better way to start than with quite possibly the most favorite dessert [...]

It’s Persimmon Time

Rotary Club since the forties, has been the pudding contest held on the last day on Saturday. And my mother entered it every year from the forties till she left us in 1999. During that time, this beloved family recipe, going on two centuries old, has been used over and over…in our family and many others as it has been widely published. And no one probably ever won more prizes [...]

Grammy’s Family Recipe Sunday Bread

Growing up in the fifties, life was pretty simple in my home town of Mitchell, in southern Indiana. It was a lovely small farm town with a wide Main Street and the Monon and B & O railroads intersecting on the east end. Mitchell was rapidly converting from small farms and fruit orchards to new age industrial....Lehigh Cement about a mile out on the east end of Main and Carpenter [...]

Mom’s apple dumplings

Apple Dumplings... This apple dumpling recipe with the unusual presentation...small pastry pockets filled with cinnamoned apple slices and sugar sauce poured over it to bake, instead of the usual completely encased in pastry whole apple, came from a mentor of Mom's...Ruth Trinkle, a friend in the Purdue Home Demonstration Club with chapters in small rural towns throughout the state. Make cobbler crust, using a little extra flour for [...]

The Great Cinnamon Roll Recipe

There may not be another breadstuff in American recipe history more beloved than Cinnamon Rolls...especially in my family. Often times I would take as my offering to holiday dinners at my mom's house the beloved Pickens family bread recipe that we always referred to as Grammy's bread. If not that, then it was cinnamon rolls. Stated so many times, Mom was the best cook ever as acertained by the fact [...]

About The American Food Movement: Ro Pettiner

Ro Pettiner This project which will elevate the appreciation of American Cuisine and preserve valuable vintage recipes as part of our heritage is a legacy project of Ro Pettiner for her grandchildren and all the grandchildren of the country.  Ro often does baking and cooking 'camps' in Boston, MA,  with her younger grandchildren there and has shared many recipes and cooking with her older ones in Chesterton, [...]

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