Halve two chickens down the middle of the back and the breast sections. Clean your grill and fire it up, lightly basting the grids with some oil. Start the chicken bone side down, watching carefully and keeping the heat low. Baste the skin/meat side with the butter basting sauce every ten minutes or so and turn the birds over a couple of times during cooking. Total cooking time: 60 minutes or 165o on meat thermometer to be sure. The birds will cook up beautifully brown and done if you keep the basting schedule up.

The, sauce should be boiled on the stove for a few minutes to melt the butter….Add l/2 cup finely chopped onion to 3 cups water and a l/2 cup stick of butter, a few dashes of garlic salt if you wish, 2 t. salt, and l and l/2 C. vinegar. Mop it on generously. Discard leftover basting sauce.